Healing trauma through art
We work creatively with young people and communities impacted by violence to overcome trauma, inspire hope, support well-being, and encourage self-determination.
552 young citizens engaged
To collectively imagine and express their vision of a better future
412,000 people reached
Through murals and posters in public spaces
60 murals and public posters created
Amplifying young people’s participation in social norms change and social cohesion.
Our current project
Girl Awakening
Girl Awakening supports girls and young women in an urban, densely populated neighborhood in Goma, DRC, a region plagued by decades of conflict. In a place where women and girls face constant violence, our flagship program helps them catalyze personal growth and change through evidence-based practices.
Walls that speak
The public murals created during our projects are a platform for the young people and local leaders that we work with to express their ideas and hopes for themselves and the larger community. The murals portray impactful messages formulated by the Community Arts Council and youth participants, sparking new ways of thinking in the broader community.
“These murals and messages, they help make sure that girls are listened to when they don’t have sufficient voice within society. They make people think twice about what they think they know about girls and what they are capable of doing.”
- Community Stakeholder, Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Our Funders & Partners
Other Funders & Partners We Have Worked With